About: rosliw

Rosliw Tor Raekül is a man of mystery. His semi-lifeless body washed up in Santa Monica in 1999, and he has been wandering around North America ever since, leaving people everywhere with the question, "Who was that devilishly handsome rogue?” Those who know him best claim he has a wife and two cats. Raekül will translate documents into gibberish, with compensation on a sliding scale.
Posts by rosliw:

A Brief Guide to the Marvel Cinematic Universe
Posted on: 10 Apr 2020
Hello, friends. If you find yourself at home with nothing to do for weeks on end, I have developed a linear map to lead you through the beautiful landscape of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (or MCU, for short). What follows is a relatively exhaustive list of the movies and TV shows in the MCU, and […]