About: Matt Hendricks

Matt Hendricks

Matt Hendricks is an independent filmmaker and wannabe writer/screenwriter who likes writing about "other people's movies". Read about Matt's top ten favorites.

Website: http://matthendricks.org/

Posts by Matt Hendricks:

Tony Scott

THE TONY SCOTT EXPERIENCE: An Interview With Nick Clement

Posted on: 31 Jul 2018

When Tony Scott prematurely passed away at the age of 68 on August 19, 2012, the hole left in his fans’ and collaborators’ hearts was best expressed by a tweet Ron Howard posted on the same day: “No more Tony Scott movies. Tragic day.”   Many other filmmakers and actors who had worked with or been […]


The Age of LaserDisc Remembered

Posted on: 31 Jul 2018

LaserDiscs. What are they? Where did they come from? Why did they ever exist in the first place? You’re probably asking yourself these questions right now… Actually, you’re probably not. You’re probably not thinking anything about LaserDiscs at all. In fact, you probably aren’t even reading this because the word “LaserDisc” is in the title. […]

The Zero Theorem (2014) Review

Posted on: 29 Jul 2018

Terry Gilliam’s The Zero Theorem is, essentially, a “best of” compilation of his entire career. The 2014 film is yet another Gilliam ode to escaping the hell of reality through self-induced insanity, another piece of the mad, hallucinatory world he’s developed through films such as Brazil, 12 Monkeys, and Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas. […]

Spring Breakers (2013) Review

Posted on: 29 Jul 2018

If Russ Meyer and Quentin Tarantino collaborated on a screenplay for Terrence Malick to direct, the resulting film would resemble something like 2013’s Spring Breakers. Believe it or not, that’s an over-simplification for one of the most challenging and daring films to be released in mainstream theatres since Oliver Stone’s 1994 media trash masterpiece, Natural […]