It is now official that Michael Keaton will return to the Batcave in Andy Muschietti’s upcoming Flash movie—which is currently scheduled for release on November 4, 2022. Additionally, his DCEU contract will reportedly have him appear in multiple films while wearing the bat cowl. Given this information, fans can’t help but wonder if Tim Burton might return to direct one of those films.
While Burton has stated that he has no interest in returning to the superhero genre, this was before the news had spread of Keaton’s return. The actor/director pair has a long-standing collaboration, beginning with 1988’s Beetlejuice and up to 2019’s Dumbo. Their two Batman offerings (1989’s Batman and 1992’s Batman Returns) are considered by many to be the pinnacle of their creative partnership. Keaton’s involvement could be all the persuasion Burton needs to return. Since Burton was responsible for Keaton’s unlikely casting in the first place, it’s only fitting that a new Batman movie involving the two of them should be on DC’s production slate.
Though it’s been nearly thirty years since his last Batman endeavor, there isn’t a better time than now to revitalize Burton’s unique take on the universe. Everything that we thought had ended years ago is coming back today. We live in a time of nostalgia where the only safe bet major studios can take is on properties that already have a built-in audience. A sequel to a thirty-year-old movie might have been an odd prospect a decade or two ago, but today it’s almost commonplace.
DC is supposedly setting up a multiverse with different interpretations of the same characters that can coexist in multiple films and series. Keaton’s Batman is supposed to be a part of it. This is the perfect opportunity to bring Burton back. A new Burton take on Batman could easily continue within this new multiverse and, considering the generations of fans behind the Keaton/Burton movies, there is an almost guaranteed audience for it.
Let’s not forget, Burton wanted to do a third Batman movie back in the day. It was Warner Bros.’ decision not to have him back after the backlash on Batman Returns’ dark and violent tone. Considering the recent success of Joker, today’s audiences seem to be more open to bleak, alternative takes on their favorite comic book characters. If Burton were convinced to return, it’s quite possible that he might find audiences more receptive to his sensibilities within the superhero genre. If variety is what DC is after with Batman, then Burton’s version should be in the highest of demand.
Burton’s Batman saga was never complete, as Keaton’s Bruce Wayne/Batman arc was never fully realized. Both Burton’s movies took their time in revealing the character’s inner life as if they were relying on future films to give us the full picture of their incarnation of Batman. A third film could make up for the flaws of the past and make us understand more of what truly drives Keaton’s Batman. His unresolved romantic relationship with Michelle Pfeiffer’s Catwoman is also in dire need of completion.
A new Tim Burton Batman movie starring Michael Keaton is as necessary as any sequel that’s getting made today, arguably more so. Keaton and Burton need to complete the circle they started decades prior, and the current climate is practically begging for it. The darkness and strangeness of Burton’s Batman that once put off so many could now be seen as a unique attribute. If we ever get to see another Tim Burton Batman movie, let it be weird, let it be bold. There’s a good chance audiences might be ready for it this time around.