It’s been four years since we last saw our favorite Marvel misfits grace theater screens in their own movie. Anticipation for their return couldn’t be higher, especially when you consider all the roadblocks the third Guardians of the Galaxy entry has already faced. Writer/director James Gunn was fired in 2018 by Disney for decade-old offensive Twitter posts, subsequently hired by DC for the Suicide Squad sequel/reboot, then rehired by Disney to return to Marvel and the Guardians series. Now, we just have to wait for Gunn to become available again so production can begin later this year.
What makes Guardians Vol. 3 the most exciting of the MCU’s upcoming Phase 4 releases is that it’s a minor miracle we’ll be getting to see it at all—at least James Gunn’s version of it. In these days of cancel culture, few people get a second chance after making blunders in the public eye. The fact that Disney recanted on their initial decision is a testament to the humor, heart, and soul that Gunn provides to the Guardian series.
The success of The Guardians of the Galaxy films is undeniably indebted to Gunn’s unique talents, arguably more so than any other filmmaker’s contribution to other MCU titles. Though based on Marvel properties, Gunn personalized the characters and made them completely his own. To see them featured in their own movie in the hands of someone else would have been nothing short of a shame.
Gunn’s hiring and rehiring was a roller coaster of emotions for Guardians fans. The crushing disappointment of his exit and the eventual relief of his return unintentionally created even more hype for the next entry. The return of Peter Quill, Gamora, Drax, Groot, Rocket, and Nebula couldn’t come sooner. The excitement for James Gunn’s Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 will only increase with the wait for its eventual release, which is currently scheduled for May 23, 2023.
Countless eager fans already know that the wait will ultimately be worth it.